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肯塔基大学Dr.Arthur Hunt实验室招收博士研究生

发布日期:2012-11-08  作者:王克   来源:留服

University of Kentucky,  Dr. Arthur Hunt 实验室招收博士研究生
PI: Dr. Arthur Hunt, University of Kentucky
研究领域:最新前沿热点 “Alternative polyadenylation”。已知在动物体系,alternative polyadenylation与癌症调控相关。更多信息请进入pubmed 进行搜索。植物体系相关功能急需你来发掘!
研究方法: 最新测序技术 “ Next generation sequencing- Illumina RNA-seq”。 Hunt 实验室是植物领域最先运用该技术的实验室之一。
Thomas P, Wu X, Liu M, Gaffney B, Ji G, Li QQ, and Arthur G. Hunt, Genome-Wide Control of Polyadenylation Site Choice by CPSF30 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2012.
Wu X, Liu M, Downie B, Liang C, Ji G, Li QQ, Hunt AG. Genome-wide landscape of polyadenylation in Arabidopsis provides evidence for extensive alternative polyadenylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011, 108:12533?1253



The major focus of Dr. Hunt’s laboratory is the characterization of mechanisms of mRNA 3' end formation in higher plants.  These studies deal with various evolutionary, biochemical, and structural aspects of the plant polyadenylation complex.  Some of the more recent research in this project deals with mechanisms by which cellular signaling pathways affect the functioning of the polyadenylation complex in plants.  In this regard, it has been determined that two distinct but complementary signaling networks,involving calcium- and redox-  mediated controls, converge on a novel polyadenylation factor subunit.  To further define the consequences of calcium- and redox- mediated control of polyadenylation, high throughput methods for studying poly(A) site choice on a genomic scale have been developed.  The combination of directed biochemical studies and genome-wide polyadenylation assays should continue to provide new insight into a fundamental process, namely the control of alternative polyadenylation by cellular signaling.

Students entering Dr. Hunt’s laboratory can expect to receive training in a range of disciplines.  Routine molecular biological experiments will be conducted, as will high throughput studies of gene expression.  These may be augmented with focused cell biological and biochemical studies of polyadenylation factors.  Finally, the educational experience will include a large computational component.  Students will become familiar with commercial and public-domain software packages for the analysis of genome-scale sequence data, and they will have opportunities to develop new computational tools.


作者:王克      来源:留服